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Organisation record

Cleas Ltd

An inactive Registered Charity based in Scotland. Removed on 01 August 2023.

This organisation's identifier is GB-SC-SC031936 .
What is an organisation identifier?

An organisation identifier is a unique piece of text that definitively identifies an organisation.

Examples include charity numbers and company numbers.

Identifiers are usually assigned by an external body like a regulator.

Findthatcharity uses the Org ID scheme to create identifiers.

GB-SC gives the scheme for this identifier (Scottish Charity Register), while SC031936 is the identifier for this organisation within the scheme.


To advance the education of the public in the arts by furthering the promotion, encouragement and provision of the performing and visual arts within Skye and Lochalsh and any form of art which maybe construed as being complementary with the foregoing and including the advancement, encouragement and provision of training of any activity relating to the arts.

OSCR Charity number





IV51 9JZ



Latest income

£70 (on )

This organisation record is based on data from Office of Scottish Charity Regulator Charity Register Download published by Office of Scottish Charity Regulator.

Cleas Ltd



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Depending on the data source, location may describe the headquarters of the organisation rather than the area it operates in.

Registered Office in the UK

Cleas Ltd


Themes and activities

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This organisation has been classified using different categories:

Activities (OSCR)

  • It carries out activities or services itself

Beneficiaries (OSCR)

  • No specific group, or for the benefit of the community

Purposes (OSCR)

  • The advancement of the arts, heritage, culture or science

International Classification of Non-profit and Third Sector Organizations (ICNP/TSO)

ICNP/TSO categories have been automatically assigned from a machine learning model, as part of the UK Charity Classification project.

  • Performing and visual arts A11

UK Charity Activity Tags

These tags are taken from a project to classify all UK charities using a common set of tags. The tags are applied using keyword searching, so may be incorrect for particular cases.

Visit charityclassification.org.uk for more information on the project. If you have any feedback on the classification system or how it has been applied there is a form on the project homepage.

  • Arts AR
  • Arts AR » Visual arts AR104
  • Charitable activities CA » Policy campaigning and advocacy CA103
  • Education ED
  • Education ED » Training ED300

Cleas Ltd


Charity financial history

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Year ending Income (£) Spending (£)
2001-04-30 Registered as a charity
2017-01-31 12,943 13,207
2018-01-31 26,750 25,661
2019-01-31 46,880 19,182
2020-01-31 10,248 38,670
2021-01-31 7,334 3,999
2022-01-31 0
2022-07-31 70 6,445
2023-08-01 Removed
Income and Spending
Funds and Reserves

Data on funds and reserves are only available for financial years where the charity's income was more than £500,000.

Cleas Ltd


Grants received

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View this organisation's grants on GrantNav.

Date Funder Amount awarded Description
Bòrd na Gàidhlig
Taic Freumhan Coimhearsnachd
1 year
Tha Seo Math Dhuibh – Good for You
Apr 2020 to Apr 2021
Garfield Weston Foundation
£10,000 Main Grants award
Garfield Weston Foundation
£10,000 Main Grants award
Bòrd na Gàidhlig
Taic Freumhan Coimhearsnachd
£1,500 Fèis Leabhraichean an Eilein
Bòrd na Gàidhlig
Taic Freumhan Coimhearsnachd
£1,500 Tachartasan Gàidhlig do dh'òigridh is inbhich aig Fèis Leabhraichean an Eilein 2017
The National Lottery Heritage Fund
Sharing Heritage
£4,920 Grant to Cleas
Bòrd na Gàidhlig
Taic Freumhan Coimhearsnachd
£1,500 Fèis Leabhraichean an Eilein 2016
The National Lottery Heritage Fund
First World War: Then and Now
£9,900 Grant to Cleas

Data source

Some grants data comes from funders who publish data using the 360Giving Data Standard. It was accessed using the 360Giving Datastore.

Cleas Ltd


Data sources

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Office of Scottish Charity Regulator

Office of Scottish Charity Regulator Charity Register Download

Last fetched from source: 2024-06-27

Open Government Licence v2.0 | Access data | Download data

Source for records: