
Find that Charity

Organisation record

Runshaw College

A College based in England

This organisation record is part of a group of linked records that describe a single organisation. The organisation is linked to 2 active records and 0 inactive records, from 2 data sources.

The best identifier for this organisation is GB-EDU-130741 .
What is an organisation identifier?

An organisation identifier is a unique piece of text that definitively identifies an organisation.

Examples include charity numbers and company numbers.

Identifiers are usually assigned by an external body like a regulator.

Findthatcharity uses the Org ID scheme to create identifiers.

GB-EDU gives the scheme for this identifier (Register of Schools (England and Wales)), while 130741 is the identifier for this organisation within the scheme.


PR25 3DQ

Find that Charity displays records of not for profit organisations that use other legal forms, as well as registered charities.

According to information from the available data sources, this organisation is not registered as a charity.

This organisation record is based on data from Get information about schools published by Department for Education.

Runshaw College



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Depending on the data source, location may describe the headquarters of the organisation rather than the area it operates in.

Registered Office in the UK

Runshaw College


Linked records

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This organisation record is part of a group of linked records that describe a single organisation. The organisation is linked to 2 active records and 0 inactive records, from 2 data sources.

The best identifier for this organisation is GB-EDU-130741 .
What is an organisation identifier?

An organisation identifier is a unique piece of text that definitively identifies an organisation.

Examples include charity numbers and company numbers.

Identifiers are usually assigned by an external body like a regulator.

Findthatcharity uses the Org ID scheme to create identifiers.

GB-EDU gives the scheme for this identifier (Register of Schools (England and Wales)), while 130741 is the identifier for this organisation within the scheme.

Runshaw College (this record)

Organisation record from Department for Education
Last updated 2024-06-18

Runshaw College

Organisation record from HESA
Last updated 2024-06-18

Runshaw College


Grants received

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Received 12 grants. Showing most recent 10 grants.

View this organisation's grants on GrantNav.

Date Funder Amount awarded Description
Department for Education
Apprenticeships Participation 18+
£378,304 Apprenticeships Participation 18+
Department for Education
FE Additional Capital Allocation
£335,975 FE Additional Capital Allocation
Department for Education
Apprenticeships Participation 18+
£501,161 Apprenticeships Participation 18+
Department for Education
Essential Post-16 Capacity Fund
£226,986 Essential Post-16 Capacity Fund
Department for Education
T - Level Capital
£1,198,808 T - Level Capital
Department for Education
Apprenticeships Participation 16 - 18
£473,386 Apprenticeships Participation 16 - 18
Department for Education
Apprenticeships Participation 18+
£339,701 Apprenticeships Participation 18+
Department for Education
T - Level Capital
£97,250 T - Level Capital
Department for Education
Apprenticeships Participation 18+
Department for Education
Apprenticeships Participation 16 - 18
£699,018 Apprenticeships Participation 16 - 18

Data source

Some grants data comes from funders who publish data using the 360Giving Data Standard. It was accessed using the 360Giving Datastore.

Runshaw College


Data sources

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Department for Education

Get information about schools

Last fetched from source: 2024-06-18

Open Government Licence v3.0 | Access data | Download data (csv)

Source for records:

Source for record links:


Higher Education Statistics Agency

Higher Education Statistics Agency - we are the experts in UK higher education data and analysis, and the designated data body for England. We collect, process, and publish data about higher education (HE) in the UK. As the trusted source of HE data and analysis, we play a key role in supporting and enhancing the competitive strength of the sector.

Last fetched from source: 2024-06-18

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence | Access data | Download data (csv)

Source for records:

Source for record links: