
Find that Charity

This organisation's identifier is GB-SC-SC053347 .
What is an organisation identifier?

An organisation identifier is a unique piece of text that definitively identifies an organisation.

Examples include charity numbers and company numbers.

Identifiers are usually assigned by an external body like a regulator.

Findthatcharity uses the Org ID scheme to create identifiers.

GB-SC gives the scheme for this identifier (Scottish Charity Register), while SC053347 is the identifier for this organisation within the scheme.


The object of the CIO to relieve the needs of people in the UK who stammer by holding courses and providing ongoing support not normally provided by the statutory authorities, which allows a person who stammers to talk in a calm and controlled manner.

OSCR Charity number



This organisation record is based on data from Office of Scottish Charity Regulator Charity Register Download published by Office of Scottish Charity Regulator.

Empowering Voices


Themes and activities

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This organisation has been classified using different categories:

Activities (OSCR)

  • It carries out activities or services itself

Beneficiaries (OSCR)

  • People with disabilities or health problems

Purposes (OSCR)

  • The relief of those in need by reason of age, ill health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage

Empowering Voices


Data sources

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Office of Scottish Charity Regulator

Office of Scottish Charity Regulator Charity Register Download

Last fetched from source: 2024-06-13

Open Government Licence v2.0 | Access data | Download data

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