
Find that Charity

Organisation record

Robert Gordon University

A Registered Charity based in Scotland

This organisation record is part of a group of linked records that describe a single organisation. The organisation is linked to 3 active records and 0 inactive records, from 3 data sources.

The best identifier for this organisation is GB-SC-SC013781 .
What is an organisation identifier?

An organisation identifier is a unique piece of text that definitively identifies an organisation.

Examples include charity numbers and company numbers.

Identifiers are usually assigned by an external body like a regulator.

Findthatcharity uses the Org ID scheme to create identifiers.

GB-SC gives the scheme for this identifier (Scottish Charity Register), while SC013781 is the identifier for this organisation within the scheme.


4.—(1) The objects of the University are to provide facilities for, encourage and deliver (a) education and learning of all types, (b) study and research, (c) the advancement, development, application and dissemination of knowledge, (d) design, development, consultancy and testing. (2) In carrying out its objects, the University is entitled to carry on any activity of any type.

OSCR Charity number




AB10 7FY



Latest income

£129,364,000 (on )

This organisation record is based on data from Office of Scottish Charity Regulator Charity Register Download published by Office of Scottish Charity Regulator.

Robert Gordon University



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Depending on the data source, location may describe the headquarters of the organisation rather than the area it operates in.

Registered Office in the UK

Robert Gordon University


Linked records

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This organisation record is part of a group of linked records that describe a single organisation. The organisation is linked to 3 active records and 0 inactive records, from 3 data sources.

The best identifier for this organisation is GB-SC-SC013781 .
What is an organisation identifier?

An organisation identifier is a unique piece of text that definitively identifies an organisation.

Examples include charity numbers and company numbers.

Identifiers are usually assigned by an external body like a regulator.

Findthatcharity uses the Org ID scheme to create identifiers.

GB-SC gives the scheme for this identifier (Scottish Charity Register), while SC013781 is the identifier for this organisation within the scheme.

Robert Gordon University


Themes and activities

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This organisation has been classified using different categories:

Activities (OSCR)

  • It carries out activities or services itself

Beneficiaries (OSCR)

  • No specific group, or for the benefit of the community

Purposes (OSCR)

  • The advancement of education

International Classification of Non-profit and Third Sector Organizations (ICNP/TSO)

ICNP/TSO categories have been automatically assigned from a machine learning model, as part of the UK Charity Classification project.

  • Colleges and universities B21

UK Charity Activity Tags

These tags are taken from a project to classify all UK charities using a common set of tags. The tags are applied using keyword searching, so may be incorrect for particular cases.

Visit charityclassification.org.uk for more information on the project. If you have any feedback on the classification system or how it has been applied there is a form on the project homepage.

  • Education ED
  • Education ED » Higher education ED103
  • Research RS

Robert Gordon University


Charity financial history

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Year ending Income (£) Spending (£)
1976-08-11 Registered as a charity
2017-07-31 93,839,000 96,781,000
2018-07-31 93,383,000 58,877,000
2019-07-31 91,943,000 127,830,000
2020-07-31 92,853,000 112,696,000
2021-07-31 103,201,000 67,537,000
2022-07-31 114,741,000 73,304,000
2023-07-31 129,364,000 129,095,000
Income and Spending
Funds and Reserves

Data on funds and reserves are only available for financial years where the charity's income was more than £500,000.

Robert Gordon University


Grants received

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Received 27 grants. Showing most recent 10 grants.

View this organisation's grants on GrantNav.

Date Funder Amount awarded Description
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
UKRI - BBSRC - Scheme 22/23
-£253,566 A Scalable Bio-based Solution to Eliminate Cyanotoxins in Drinking Water
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
UKRI - Innovate UK - Scheme 22/23
£23,341 Robert Gordon University and Optima Asset Maintenance Solutions Limited
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
UKRI - Innovate UK - Scheme 22/23
£13,209 Robert Gordon University and ICR Integrity Limited 21_22 R2
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
UKRI - Innovate UK - Scheme 22/23
£7,269 Robert Gordon University and Albyn Housing Society Limited KTP 22_23 R2
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
UKRI - FIC - Scheme 22/23
£41,029 Augmented Fashion: Immersive Interactions For Sustainable Heritage In Fashion And Textiles
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
UKRI - BBSRC - Scheme 22/23
£6,595 Extracting added value from the Seaweed Industry - a search for novel anti-obesity agents
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
UKRI - BBSRC - Scheme 22/23
£12,991 Valorisation of cold press rapeseed oil processing by products as feedstock for insect farming
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
UKRI - BBSRC - Scheme 22/23
£26,785 Valorisation of Biomass from the Daffodil Growing Industry
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
UKRI - EPSRC - Scheme 22/23
£90,859 iSee: Intelligent Sharing of Explanation Experience by Users for Users
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
UKRI - EPSRC - Scheme 22/23
£117,415 Scalable metamaterial thermally sprayed catalyst coatings for nuclear reactor high temperature solid oxide steam electrolysis (METASIS)

Data source

Some grants data comes from funders who publish data using the 360Giving Data Standard. It was accessed using the 360Giving Datastore.

Robert Gordon University


Data sources

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Digital Science

Global Research Identifiers Database

The Global Research Identifiers Database collects information on research institutions and assigns them a unique identifier. It draws on information from funding datasets, and claims over 90% coverage of institutions. It records information on the nature of the research organisation, covering companies, education establishments, healthcare, non-profits, government and other entity types. GRID also records parent-child relationships between entities, and 'related relationships' for cross-linkages. It includes cross-linkages to a range of other identifier sources.

Last fetched from source: 2022-07-01

Creative Commons Public Domain 1.0 International licence | Access data | Download data

Source for record links:

Find that Charity

Find that Charity Relationship Lookups

Last fetched from source: 2024-06-26

| Access data | Download data (csv)

Source for record links:

Office of Scottish Charity Regulator

Office of Scottish Charity Regulator Charity Register Download

Last fetched from source: 2024-06-20

Open Government Licence v2.0 | Access data | Download data

Source for records:

Research Organization Registry Community

Research Organization Registry

ROR (Research Organization Registry) is a community-led registry of open, sustainable, usable, and unique identifiers for every research organization in the world. ROR includes identifiers and metadata for more than 100,000 organizations. ROR identifiers are designed to link research organizations to research outputs in scholarly infrastructure. Search the ROR registry at https://ror.org/search.

Last fetched from source: 2024-06-26

Creative Commons Public Domain 1.0 International licence | Access data | Download data

Source for records:

Source for record links:


Higher Education Statistics Agency

Higher Education Statistics Agency - we are the experts in UK higher education data and analysis, and the designated data body for England. We collect, process, and publish data about higher education (HE) in the UK. As the trusted source of HE data and analysis, we play a key role in supporting and enhancing the competitive strength of the sector.

Last fetched from source: 2024-06-26

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence | Access data | Download data (csv)

Source for records:

Source for record links: