
Find that Charity

Organisation record

Angus Agricultural Association

A Registered Charity based in Scotland

This organisation's identifier is GB-SC-SC004879 .
What is an organisation identifier?

An organisation identifier is a unique piece of text that definitively identifies an organisation.

Examples include charity numbers and company numbers.

Identifiers are usually assigned by an external body like a regulator.

Findthatcharity uses the Org ID scheme to create identifiers.

GB-SC gives the scheme for this identifier (Scottish Charity Register), while SC004879 is the identifier for this organisation within the scheme.


Through the organisation of an annual show, to provide a platform for the public to come and be educated and to learn at firsthand about the methods of land management and animal husbandry through, for example, crop competitions, animal showing classes, demonstrations and the various displays which are accessible to the public at the show. To provide and increase awareness for the children of the community (via competitions and activities) which will ultimately broaden their understanding of the natural environment and its integration with farming and food production as a whole. To further promote art and culture through children?s competitions such as baking and creative art. To promote excellence in a wide range of agricultural based activities e.g. sheep shearing and the production of quality livestock which are only achievable through high standards of crop husbandry and animal welfare. To consider all reasonable requests for Sponsorship or Patronage associated with the furtherance of agricultural culture and heritage, and the development of agricultural skills within the UK and overseas. (e.g. Sponsorship of a competitor at the World Ploughing Championships in New Zealand in 2010).The promotion of good animal husbandry through the organisation of livestock classes which are on public exhibition and which are further judged at the Show. The animals on show are from local farms and in prime condition and will include most types of farm animals (cattle, sheep, goats, horses) as well as gun dogs and working collies. Demonstrations of good husbandry will also include, for e.g. sheep shearing and horse shoeing.To promote and develop the protection,conservation and improvement of the physical and natural environment and to further promote companies whose activities may further this and all other objectives here listed. To establish and/or support any other charitable purpose falling within the Associations objectives

OSCR Charity number





Latest income

£96,128 (on )

This organisation record is based on data from Office of Scottish Charity Regulator Charity Register Download published by Office of Scottish Charity Regulator.

Angus Agricultural Association



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Depending on the data source, location may describe the headquarters of the organisation rather than the area it operates in.

Registered Office in the UK

Angus Agricultural Association


Themes and activities

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This organisation has been classified using different categories:

Activities (OSCR)

  • It carries out activities or services itself

Beneficiaries (OSCR)

  • Children or young people
  • Older people
  • No specific group, or for the benefit of the community

Purposes (OSCR)

  • The advancement of education
  • The advancement of the arts, heritage, culture or science
  • The advancement of animal welfare

International Classification of Non-profit and Third Sector Organizations (ICNP/TSO)

ICNP/TSO categories have been automatically assigned from a machine learning model, as part of the UK Charity Classification project.

  • Community and economic development activities F20

UK Charity Activity Tags

These tags are taken from a project to classify all UK charities using a common set of tags. The tags are applied using keyword searching, so may be incorrect for particular cases.

Visit charityclassification.org.uk for more information on the project. If you have any feedback on the classification system or how it has been applied there is a form on the project homepage.

  • Animals AN
  • Animals AN » Dogs AN102
  • Animals AN » Horses AN104
  • Arts AR
  • Associations AS
  • Beneficiary group BE » Children BE102
  • Economic and community development EC » Rural and farming areas EC105
  • Environment EN » Conservation and sustainability EN102
  • Heritage HR
  • Social welfare SW » Food SW300

Angus Agricultural Association


Charity financial history

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Year ending Income (£) Spending (£)
1929-04-13 Registered as a charity
2017-09-30 59,243 56,850
2018-09-30 68,520 58,004
2019-09-30 50,619 50,448
2020-09-30 2,840 11,019
2021-09-30 17,680 2,023
2022-09-30 73,484 62,385
2023-09-30 96,128 75,835
Income and Spending
Funds and Reserves

Data on funds and reserves are only available for financial years where the charity's income was more than £500,000.

Angus Agricultural Association


Data sources

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Office of Scottish Charity Regulator

Office of Scottish Charity Regulator Charity Register Download

Last fetched from source: 2024-06-27

Open Government Licence v2.0 | Access data | Download data

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