
Find that Charity

Organisation record

The Alan and Sheila Diamond Charitable Trust

A Registered Charity based in England

This organisation's identifier is GB-CHC-274312 .
What is an organisation identifier?

An organisation identifier is a unique piece of text that definitively identifies an organisation.

Examples include charity numbers and company numbers.

Identifiers are usually assigned by an external body like a regulator.

Findthatcharity uses the Org ID scheme to create identifiers.

GB-CHC gives the scheme for this identifier (Charity Commission), while 274312 is the identifier for this organisation within the scheme.


Is to provide benefits for charitable institutions and foundations

Also known as

  • The Alan and Sheila Diamond Charitable Trust

CCEW Charity number




BH14 0HU

Latest income

£537,918 (on )

This organisation record is based on data from Registered charities in England and Wales published by Charity Commission for England and Wales.

The Alan and Sheila Diamond Charitable Trust



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Depending on the data source, location may describe the headquarters of the organisation rather than the area it operates in.

Areas of operation in the UK

Registered Office in the UK

The Alan and Sheila Diamond Charitable Trust


Themes and activities

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This organisation has been classified using different categories:

International Classification of Non-profit and Third Sector Organizations (ICNP/TSO)

ICNP/TSO categories have been automatically assigned from a machine learning model, as part of the UK Charity Classification project.

  • Grant-making foundations H10

Theme (CCEW)

  • General Charitable Purposes 101
  • Education/training 102
  • The Advancement Of Health Or Saving Of Lives 103
  • Disability 104
  • Overseas Aid/famine Relief 106
  • Religious Activities 108
  • Arts/culture/heritage/science 109
  • Armed Forces/emergency Service Efficiency 114
  • Human Rights/religious Or Racial Harmony/equality Or Diversity 115

Beneficiaries (CCEW)

  • Children/young People 201
  • Elderly/old People 202
  • People With Disabilities 203
  • People Of A Particular Ethnic Or Racial Origin 204
  • Other Charities Or Voluntary Bodies 205

Activities (CCEW)

  • Makes Grants To Organisations 302

Scale of operation

  • National

The Alan and Sheila Diamond Charitable Trust


Charity financial history

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Year ending Income (£) Spending (£)
1977-09-30 Registered as a charity
2004-04-05 49,450 48,441
2005-04-05 48,240 44,836
2006-04-05 51,111 46,949
2007-04-05 61,228 66,140
2008-04-05 68,537 58,650
2009-04-05 68,598 62,739
2010-04-05 53,307 51,470
2011-04-05 55,734 58,586
2012-04-05 70,497 69,937
2013-04-05 86,473 81,823
2014-04-05 104,611 86,196
2015-04-05 90,557 72,915
2016-04-05 246,658 85,436
2017-04-05 318,693 108,668
2018-04-05 435,891 149,688
2019-04-05 349,982 360,582
2020-04-05 360,016 135,547
2021-04-05 364,452 99,253
2022-04-05 312,499 148,926
2023-04-05 537,918 195,356
Income and Spending
Funds and Reserves

Data on funds and reserves are only available for financial years where the charity's income was more than £500,000.

The Alan and Sheila Diamond Charitable Trust


Charity people

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Employees -
Employees paid more than £60,000 - -
Volunteers - -
Trustees 5

Data on employees is only available for financial years where the charity's income was more than £500,000.

The Alan and Sheila Diamond Charitable Trust


Statement of Financial Activities

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Statement of financial activities for year ended .

Based on information provided to the Charity Commission for England and Wales in the charity's annual return. This may not exactly match the figures and categories supplied in the charity's annual accounts.

Incoming resources
Donations and other voluntary income 372.3
Legacies -
Endowments -
Donations and legacies 372.3
Income from charitable activities -
Income from other trading activities -
Income from investments 165.6
Other income -
Total 537.9 312.5
Investment management -
Other spending on raising funds -
Spending on raising funds -
Grants to institutions -
Other charitable activities 195.4
Charitable activities 195.4
Other spending -
Total 195.4 148.9
Net income / (expenditure) 342.6 163.6

The Alan and Sheila Diamond Charitable Trust


Balance sheet

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Balance sheet at .

Based on information provided to the Charity Commission for England and Wales in the charity's annual return. This may not exactly match the figures and categories supplied in the charity's annual accounts.

Fixed assets
Tangible and intangible assets -
Investment assets 4,038.9
Current assets
Current investment assets -
Cash 192.3
Other current assets -
Amounts falling due within one year (1.3)
Net current assets 191.0
Total assets less current liabilities 4,230.0
Amounts falling due after one year -
Net assets 4,230.0
Endowment funds -
Restricted funds -
Unrestricted funds 4,230.0

The Alan and Sheila Diamond Charitable Trust


Income from government

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According to data returned to the Charity Commission, this charity did not receive income from government grants or contracts in 2023 (the latest year with data available) or 2022.

The Alan and Sheila Diamond Charitable Trust


Data sources

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Charity Commission for England and Wales

Registered charities in England and Wales

Data download service provided by the Charity Commission

Last fetched from source: 2024-04-27

Open Government Licence v2.0 | Access data | Download data (zip)

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