
Find that Charity

Organisation record

The Francis Crick Institute Limited

A Registered Charity based in England

This organisation's identifier is GB-CHC-1140062 .
What is an organisation identifier?

An organisation identifier is a unique piece of text that definitively identifies an organisation.

Examples include charity numbers and company numbers.

Identifiers are usually assigned by an external body like a regulator.

Findthatcharity uses the Org ID scheme to create identifiers.

GB-CHC gives the scheme for this identifier (Charity Commission), while 1140062 is the identifier for this organisation within the scheme.


The Francis Crick Institute is dedicated to understanding the fundamental biology underlying health and disease. Our work is helping to understand why disease develops and to translate discoveries into new ways to prevent, diagnose and treat illnesses such as cancer, heart disease, stroke, infections and neurodegenerative diseases.

Also known as

  • The Francis Crick Institute
  • The Francis Crick Institute Limited
  • Francis Crick Institute
  • The Francis Crick Institute
  • Ukcmri
  • Ukcmri (United Kingdom Centre for Medical Research and Innovation)
  • Ukcmri Limited

CCEW Charity number


Company number









Latest income

£213,189,000 (on )

This organisation record is based on data from Registered charities in England and Wales published by Charity Commission for England and Wales.

The Francis Crick Institute Limited



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Depending on the data source, location may describe the headquarters of the organisation rather than the area it operates in.

Areas of operation in the UK

Registered Office in the UK

The Francis Crick Institute Limited


Themes and activities

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This organisation has been classified using different categories:

International Classification of Non-profit and Third Sector Organizations (ICNP/TSO)

ICNP/TSO categories have been automatically assigned from a machine learning model, as part of the UK Charity Classification project.

  • Scientific research and testing services K10

UK Charity Activity Tags

These tags are taken from a project to classify all UK charities using a common set of tags. The tags are applied using keyword searching, so may be incorrect for particular cases.

Visit charityclassification.org.uk for more information on the project. If you have any feedback on the classification system or how it has been applied there is a form on the project homepage.

  • Health HE
  • Health HE » Health condition HE200
  • Health HE » Health condition HE200 » Cancer HE202
  • Health HE » Health condition HE200 » Strokes HE214

Theme (CCEW)

  • Education/training 102
  • The Advancement Of Health Or Saving Of Lives 103
  • Arts/culture/heritage/science 109

Beneficiaries (CCEW)

  • The General Public/mankind 207

Activities (CCEW)

  • Sponsors Or Undertakes Research 308

Scale of operation

  • National

The Francis Crick Institute Limited


Charity financial history

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Year ending Income (£) Spending (£)
2011-01-26 Registered as a charity
2012-03-31 2,345,959 5,345,612
2013-03-31 3,376,426 6,843,499
2014-03-31 3,271,572 9,288,783
2015-03-31 9,355,987 16,232,434
2016-03-31 148,636,000 128,464,000
2017-03-31 160,609,000 168,169,000
2018-03-31 146,627,000 175,161,000
2019-03-31 184,020,000 180,249,000
2020-03-31 164,524,000 189,063,000
2021-03-31 174,940,196 188,000,920
2022-03-31 185,630,048 197,378,242
2023-03-31 213,189,000 210,291,000
Income and Spending
Funds and Reserves

Data on funds and reserves are only available for financial years where the charity's income was more than £500,000.

The Francis Crick Institute Limited


Charity people

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Employees 1,513 1,459
Employees paid more than £60,000 222 210
Volunteers - -
Trustees 12

Data on employees is only available for financial years where the charity's income was more than £500,000.

The Francis Crick Institute Limited


Statement of Financial Activities

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Statement of financial activities for year ended .

Based on information provided to the Charity Commission for England and Wales in the charity's annual return. This may not exactly match the figures and categories supplied in the charity's annual accounts.

Incoming resources
Donations and other voluntary income 201.5 169.4
Legacies - -
Endowments - 1.0
Donations and legacies 201.5 170.4
Income from charitable activities 2.6 4.1
Income from other trading activities 7.0 4.8
Income from investments 1.8 1.0
Other income 0.3 5.4
Total 213.2 185.6
Investment management 0.1 -
Other spending on raising funds 1.0 0.5
Spending on raising funds 1.2 0.5
Grants to institutions - -
Other charitable activities 209.1 196.8
Charitable activities 209.1 196.8
Other spending - -
Total 210.3 197.4
Net income / (expenditure) 2.9 (11.7)

The Francis Crick Institute Limited


Balance sheet

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Balance sheet at .

Based on information provided to the Charity Commission for England and Wales in the charity's annual return. This may not exactly match the figures and categories supplied in the charity's annual accounts.

Fixed assets
Tangible and intangible assets 566.7 491.4
Investment assets 2.3 80.9
569.0 572.3
Current assets
Current investment assets 59.2 -
Cash 11.0 10.2
Other current assets - 26.9
70.2 37.1
Amounts falling due within one year (71.3) (43.4)
Net current assets (1.2) (6.3)
Total assets less current liabilities 567.9 566.0
Amounts falling due after one year (0.3) -
Net assets 567.6 566.0
Endowment funds 37.2 37.5
Restricted funds 37.9 31.9
Unrestricted funds 492.4 496.6
567.6 566.0

The Francis Crick Institute Limited


Income from government

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Contracts with government
Income from government contracts - 1,249,866
Government contracts as % of total income - 0.7%
Number of government contracts - 2
Government grants
Income from government grants 268,000 68,304,298
Government grants as % of total income 0.1% 36.8%
Number of government grants 1 109

The Francis Crick Institute Limited


Grants received

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Received 147 grants. Showing most recent 10 grants.

View this organisation's grants on GrantNav.

Date Funder Amount awarded Description
Wolfson Foundation
Science and Medicine
2 years
Grant to The Francis Crick Institute
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
UKRI - MRC - Scheme 22/23
£53,278 Crosstalk Between Tumour and Draining Lymph Nodes and its Impact on Triple-Negative Breast Cancer
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
UKRI - HEG - Scheme 22/23
£65,820 SIGMA: Small molecule Inhibitors targeting the Genetic determinants of Mutagenesis and Adaptability in Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
UKRI - NC3Rs - Scheme 22/23
£64,250 A Drosophila single-cell resource for brain metabolism research
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
UKRI - MRC - Scheme 22/23
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
UKRI - FLF - Scheme 22/23
£145,561 Cancer drug discovery targeting the interaction of RAS oncogenic proteins with phosphoinositide 3-kinase
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
UKRI - MRC - Scheme 22/23
£173,844 A Nanopathology Platform for Prediction and Early Detection of Disease in Kidney Transplant Rejection
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
UKRI - MRC - Scheme 22/23
£257,170 NeuroNex: From odor to Action: Discovering Principles of Olfactory-Guided Natural Behavior - NSF Proposal Number: 2014217
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
UKRI - MRC - Scheme 22/23
£51,676 Characterisation of the role of NG2-glia and microglia in hypothalamo-pituitary axis coupling.
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
UKRI - MRC - Scheme 22/23
£779,976 MRC IAA 2021 The Francis Crick Institute

Data source

Some grants data comes from funders who publish data using the 360Giving Data Standard. It was accessed using the 360Giving Datastore.

The Francis Crick Institute Limited


Data sources

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Charity Commission for England and Wales

Registered charities in England and Wales

Data download service provided by the Charity Commission

Last fetched from source: 2024-04-29

Open Government Licence v2.0 | Access data | Download data (zip)

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